Thursday, May 28, 2009

Did I mention that we're in Italy this week?

Let the *Destination Imagination* begin! : )
So this week we’re in Italy. The kids are loving all of the neat things we’ve done this far. We didn’t get to really pick a place on the globe together… I picked. LOL! I went with what I knew and could teach with this short week and after our holiday camp out. I still have a small bit of the language down though it’s been awhile since I was around those that speak fluently so *check* on that. The cooking is a snap and doesn’t take much thought because it’s familiar. *check* The crafts are under construction as we speak. *check* Over all this has been not so tough given the fact that I didn’t do such a “bene” job preparing. Gratefully, my kids know no difference. ; ) So, suffice to say, I miei bambini l'amore Italia (My kids love Italy). They love the *funny* music and are always game for messy craft or cooking projects.

Some other phrases learned:

Lavarsi le mani (wash hands)
Affermativo (yes please)
grazie! (thank you)
occhi (eyes)
naso (nose)
bocca (mouth)
orecchie (ears)
spazzola i denti (brush teeth)
Che ore sono? (what time is it?)
ora di andare al letto (bedtime).... *my personal favorite* heehee!

I'm hoping to post some of our crafts and a few recipes this week but more realistically this weekend. ; ) Kaydee and I surfed for a few pics to add to our Italy blog & she loved this one... go figure! LOL!

Is she her Mother's daughter or what? ; ) Well, we're off to go make strombolli. ~*~Ciao~*~


  1. What fun you are creating for your kids! I bet they're having the time of their lives!

  2. What a neat idea! You are outshining me like mad with your Summer Vacation plans. I'm just trying to do one activity a day and am calling it good. LOL

    To answer your comment on my blog: I haven't taken the Maxalt yet, even though I had a migraine yesterday. I am worried about the side effects. I took Advil instead and did cool compresses on the nerve that he told me is causing them. It actually helped, but I'm sure it took longer than taking the meds would have. LOL I know for sure one thing that triggers the headaches is red dye. If I drink anything with red coloring in it, within an hour I'm in agony. They recommended that I have a hysterectomy for my PCOS. They said I'd never get pregnant, and I should go ahead and get it out. Yeah. Glad I didn't listen to that. One day I probably will have to get it out. How did they determine that your hormones were causing the migraines?
