Monday, August 30, 2010

Yay for the end of AUGUST!

I am elated! 2 more days and August will be once again behind me. August is the WORST month of the year for me. It ranks #1 as the all time busiest month of the year! UGH! I have been SO busy with job, family & just balancing the many hats I have to wear lately. August seems to be the month where EVERYONE wants a piece of me and then there's the added bonus of the heat here in AZ of our hottest months! UGH! I'll spare you the yucky details....just know that I'm crazyhappyexcited (yes, i deliberately made that 1 word!) that it's almost OVER! LOL! *end of ventfest* ; ) On the upside, I did manage to steal some much needed *me* time over the weekend. Kevan & I had a great time with friends, family & even got to spend some time with BOTH of our grown boys! So, I guess I can't complain too much... life is good; that is a fact!
I noticed that my FB account has mysteriously resurfaced.... maybe a glitch.... who knows? I do know that the little hiccup I had with that account did certainly put some things into perspective for me though. I am now happily at the point that I can take it or leave it..... a good thing for sure! : ) Sometimes we all need a reminder, kick in the pants.... however you want to look at it. I got mine and have been pleasantly surprised with how much more I have accomplished without that little outlet. Things that make ya go hmmmm! ; )
Looking forward: Hmmm, let's see.... I am really looking forward to cooler weather, getting crafty, holidays, enjoying outdoor activities with the kids & all of the awesome things that Fall holds for me. : ) I also have some pretty cool bloggy ideas for prompting me to keep up here. Well, time to get back to month end stuff & some upcoming state meetings....whoopie! I hope that everyone has a wonderful week! See ya soon! CIAO! : )

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