Saturday, August 28, 2010

Let's just see if this works....

hmmm.... blogging from my phone? Yea for technology....sometimes not so much though. ; ) I've been asked by a few "how come you haven't blogged?".... in fact *someone* (you know who you are...heehee) recently told me i hadn't blogged since last October! I hadn't realized just how long it had been! Surely there's the "life happens" excuse but there's also that crazy advancement in our times called "social networking". I've come to realize that it has become my biggest pitfall. There's hardly an escape....unless of course you eliminate all cell phones & computers from your existence and sheepishly crawl back into the dark ages. Even if you did, you're bound to hear a majority of your friends exclaim at various points of the day "did you see what so & so posted?".... it's in a lot of ways like *cyber payton place* i tell ya! I had to take a long look at cyber time vs. real time & I gotta say.... I was less than pleased with my scale of priorities. It was too much of an escape & far too easy to access. So in short, after some account issues I think I have decided to suck it up, get past the yucky withdrawls & get a life. : ) This is not to say that it isn't ok for anyone else. Social networking is a great way to connect or stay connected with the ones we care about. It's just not for this this point in time. When I can rationalize why I never had time to till & replant my garden this year but have a flourishing virtual farm, there's a problem. If I blogged as much as i networked I'd never come up for air! LOL! For now, I'll simply look at my account issues as a blessing in disguise. : ) Hopefully now I'll have the time I never seemed to have to keep this bloggy thing going as it was meant to be.... as well as actually accomplishing a few neglected goals and maybe seeing some of my friends in real LIFE & not just on a status post. What a concept! That sure beats anything a social network could ever offer! So with that said, thank you Mr. Hacker or FB hiccup....which ever was the cause....I'm once again where i need to be. : ) CIAO! I'll be blogging & reading very soon....promise! ; )

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