Monday, June 15, 2009

Just a little recap of the last few....

I had a few minutes to upload some pics & thought I'd sneak in and blog a bit. : ) We've been on the go with the c-r-a-z-y list of summer activities and I've barely had time to come up for air.
We visited the Arizona Science Center over the weekend. They are featuring the Lego Castle Adventure right now and can I just say AWESOME?! This worked out perfectly as we're in virtual Scotland (Kevan's ancestry roots) this week and there were some fantastic lego castles to explore. The kids had a blast! The best part about the Science Center is that it is totally kid friendly. They can play, run, touch, smell and we don't have to worry about ANYTHING breaking! Kaydee wore a princess costume out of their dress-up bin to fully play the part! Kaydon ran around freely, astonished that he didn't hear the words "no-no" once & yes, that is a mohawk (Kevan did it, I plead the 5th)! LOL! We stayed and played until closing time. On our way out Kaydee crossed over a floor ventilation grate and the rising air lifted her dress. When I turned to see what was taking her so long to catch up I couldn't help but laugh at the way she seemed so fascinated with this final feature at the science center. Well, it really wasn't a "feature" per se but to her it was. Of course I had to get pictures. She posed, laughed & quickly gained attention as the "little Marilyn". Now she wants to know who Marilyn is. Dare I tell her? Maybe another time... perhaps when my little diva in training is about 30?! LOL! I don't think she needs anymore encouragement in that department but oh boy, what a ride I think we're in for! Eeek!

Also, yesterday we began Summer camp at Crocodile Dock VBS. Here are a few shots of Kaydee on her first day. They transformed the church auditorium into a swamp! How cool is that? The group leaders were sporting bright neon green streaks in their hair and everyone got their very own necklace & bracelet. She was a little shy at first but quickly warmed up as one of her group leaders was also a substitute teacher at her school. She also recognized some buddies from school. It also helped that she was placed in what she calls "the coolest group EVER" because they are called the opossum BLOSSOMS! There's no denying the girly-girl in her... that's for sure! When I asked her what the best part was, she was quick to reply with "no work!". *sigh* So with that comment I can only assume that we've finally reached that age where she is not so excited about school or more specifically schoolwork. Speaking of age.... my little girl turns **9** in just 14 days! I can't believe how fast time seems to be flying! Having 2 grown kids already it's hard not to reminisce about every milestone.... both then & now with each of my kiddos. So that's what has been on my plate. What's on your plate? More soon...hopefully! ; ) ~*~Ciao~*~


  1. The science center is such a geat place! I love it! Looks like you had fun and Kaydon's hair is a hoot!!

  2. I can't believe she's turning 9. She's such a cutie. That Marilyn shot of her was fantastic. I wouldn't tell her until she's a bit older who Marilyn is. LOL I love the VBS swamp theme. It's SO cool. My kiddos are missing out on VBS this year because Jordan is in hippotherapy Summer camp for two weeks. I think Kaydon's hair is adorable. I buzzed Brandon at the beginning of the Summer. It's just too hot for them to have much hair.

  3. Looks like a great time! You are both great parents.
